1️Deposit & Withdraw
How to Deposit & Withdraw ?
Step 1 : Deposit
Choose the products and Deposit the same assets as the products
Ex) Home > Earn > BTC 30Day(s) Savings > Deposit BTC
Ex) Home > My asset > Deposit > BTC > Earn > BTC 30Day(s) Savings > Stake complete
All asset deposit and withdrawals and product use must linked Google OTP
Step 2 : Withdraw
Proceed in the same way as depositing
Ex) Home > My asset > Withdraw > Choose coin > Chain selection > Withdrawal address > Google OTP Code > Withdraw complete
Ex) Home > My asset > Withdraw > BTC > Bitcoin > Withdrawal address > Google OTP Code > Withdraw complete
All asset deposit and withdrawals and product use must linked Google OTP
* Deposit & Withdraw Tip
For korean users
This only applies to Korean users.
* Correct Example
01. Ex) Upbit -> Metamask -> Planbit
02. Ex) Bithumb -> Metamask -> Planbit
03. Ex) Upbit -> Bybit or Binance -> Planbit
04. Ex) Metamask -> Planbit
05. Ex) Bybit or Binance etc. -> Planbit
* Wrong Example
01. Ex) Upbit -> Planbit
02. Ex) Bithumb -> Planbit
For Korean users, Bybit or Binance or Metamask etc.
You must deposit and withdraw through your personal wallet.
Can interest profits be withdrawn during Lock-up?
Interest profits can be withdrawn even during Lock-up
Interest profit is paid weekly
Interest paid weekly you can withdraw freely
You can reinvest interest to maximize returns
Last updated